Dura Mater
Nanna Lysholt Hansen
9 - 30 May 2024

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Photo: SixtyEight
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Photo: SixtyEight

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Photo: SixtyEight
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Photo: SixtyEight


SixtyEight hosted an exhibition by Nanna Lysholt Hansen in connection with her upcoming publication with RSS Press. In the exhibition works from the series Dura Mater were shown, as well as new works consisting of appropriated photographs and text.

In recent years, Lysholt Hansen has worked with appropriated text in her performance art, in which she explores how the voice can both constitute and destabilise the experience of the body, as well as how the body itself is a technological and biological inter-generational mediator for knowledge, memory and voice.

The series Dura Mater consists of more than 400 photographs and video sequences from her practice with ‘performance for camera’ in the period 2004-2018, which her then 3-year-old daughter appropriated, working on them with felt tip pens, watercolours, glitter glue, play putty and nail polish.

The book Dura Mater will be published by RSS Press later in 2024, and will include contributions by Kirsten Thorup, Peggy Phelan, Tina Kinsella, and Irina Aristarkhova, as well as a comprehensive selection of the appropriated photos and video stills.


Nanna Lysholt Hansen is an artist, writer, artistic researcher and birth doula based in Copenhagen

SixtyEight is a non-profit, independent arts organisation based in Copenhagen, an open platform for long-term research projects, exhibition-making, educational initiatives and publishing in various forms.

RSS Press publishes artist books, artistic and curatorial research as part of larger projects that tackle important topics of our time, as well as theoretical texts and literature.

The exhibition received funding from Rådet for Visuel Kunst, Copenhagen Municipality.


SixtyEight lagde hus til en udstilling af Nanna Lysholt Hansen i forbindelse med hendes kommende udgivelse med RSS Press. I udstillingen vistes der værker fra serien Dura Mater samt nye værker bestående af approprieret fotografi og tekst.

Lysholt Hansen har i de seneste år arbejdet med approprieret tekst i sin performancekunst, hvor hun undersøger hvordan stemmen kan virke både konstituerende og destabiliserende i oplevelsen af kroppen samt, hvordan kroppen selv er en teknologisk og biologisk intergenerationel mediator for viden, hukommelse og stemme.

Serien Dura Mater består af mere end 400 fotografier og video-sekvenser fra Lysholt Hansens praksis i ‘performance for kamera’ fra perioden 2004-2018, som hendes daværende 3-årige datter har approprieret i sin bearbejdning af dem med tusch, vandfarve, glimmerlim, legeslim og neglelak.

Bogen Dura Mater udkommer på RSS Press senere i 2024 med bidrag af Kirsten Thorup, Peggy Phelan, Tina Kinsella og Irina Aristarkhova såvel som et omfattende udvalg af de approprierede fotos og video stills.


Nanna Lysholt Hansen er kunstner, forfatter, kunstnerisk researcher og fødselsdoula med base i København.

SixtyEight er en non-profit, uafhængig kunstorganisation med base i København, en åben platform for længerevarende researchprojekter, udstillinger, uddannelsesinitiativer og forskellige slags udgivelser.

RSS Press udgiver kunstnerbøger, kunstnerisk og kuratorisk research som del af større projekter der omhandler nogle af tidens vigtige temaer, kunstteoretiske udgivelser og litteratur.

Udstillingen modtog støtte fra Rådet for Visuel Kunst, Københavns Kommune.