Celestial Ripples - Corporeal Rhythms
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SixtyEight is pleased to welcome you to the group exhibition Celestial Ripples – Corporeal Rhythms which forms part of the research project Within and Beyond - Embodied Planetary Cycles, conceived in collaboration with curator Sara Rossling. The show is the first of several public presentations alongside residences on the island of Ven, where artists, researchers and curators share knowledge and develop work that reflects on the circadian rhythm, seasonal cycles, and how these affect our bodies and behaviours. The project also includes exchange meetings with art organisations in the Nordics to discuss sustainability within art production.

Opening: Friday 14 June 2024, 17.00-20.00
Informal presentation of the exhibition by the artists and curators, 18.00-18.15

Location: inter.pblc, Hamletsgade 6, 2200 Copenhagen N

On show until Saturday 29 June 2024
Opening Hours: Thursdays and Fridays 15.00-18.00, Saturdays 13.00-16.00

Read more about the project Within and Beyond - Embodied Planetary Cycles and the workshop weekend on the island of Ven in the online journal future/tense

Fælles om Haven
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Tutankhamons gazebind af hør, ca. 1336-1327 fvt.

Med SixtyEights skift i fokus væk fra udstillingsproduktion til bredere, langsigtede og research-baserede projekter, lancerer vi tidsskriftet future/tense, der er udviklet som en platform til at vise materiale fra de forskellige projekter, vi udfører eller er involveret i som partner. Vi begynder med at præsentere materiale fra Fælles om Haven-residency programmet på Rønnebæksholm, produceret af sidste års residenter.

Læseren vil finde et essay af billedkunstner Peter Kærgaard Andersen og forfatter Helene Johanne Christensen, der var residenter i foråret 2023, om deres sporing af linjer gennem haven, både vandret og lodret gennem de usynlige lag under jordoverfladen og i uventede mønstre, mens de bedrev ‘insekt stalking’, dvs. fulgte efter insekter for at lære deres bevægelser at kende. De fortæller også om deres uventede passion for kompostbunken, alt sammen illustreret med billeder og en lydoptagelse.

Billedkunstner Therese Bülow og skribent Sara Mering, der var i residens om efteråret 2023, fokuserede på at dyrke, høste og arbejde med hør, at genopdage og lære de gamle håndværksteknikker forbundet med at lave linnedtråd samt undersøge de måder, hvorpå materialet traditionelt er blevet brugt og også anvendes i dag. Deres bidrag giver et fascinerende indblik i processerne og plantens overraskende alsidighed.

future/tense er under udvikling og vi ser frem til at tilføje nyt indhold snart!

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From the Archives: Impressions of a Land

We begin our new series, From the Archives, with a book from 2018, made after a member of SixtyEight travelled to the West Bank on an educational trip organised by an NGO that collaborates with a number of different organisations there. We reproduce several parts of the book here, including a brief introduction, a small selection of photographs, and an afterword by the respected Danish cultural historian Morten Thing.

This feature now also forms part of our new online journal future/tense, where further features from our extensive archives will be launched in due course.

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Exhibition Archive

Documentation of SixtyEight's exhibitions stretching back to May 2011

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FællesRum residency program: Fælles om Haven

De to residency projekter for 2023 er blevet afholdt, samt en afsluttende Allehelgen arrangement

Et samarbejde mellem Rønnebæksholm og SixtyEight/RSS Press

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Educational Projects

C6: Creativity, Culture and Collaboration to Combat Climate Change, The Curatorial Thing, and more...