It is no longer possible to sign up to our newsletter here. Please use the sign up form on the website of our sister organisation, RSS Press. You will receive news and promotions from both organisations, SixtyEight and RSS Press, as previously. We send around 6 to 8 emails a year.

This change is due to a change of service provider. If you are already signed up, you do not need to sign up again. If you don't seem to have received any newsletters by the end of August, please check your spam filter.

Casa Spizzirò Residency and Work Retreat

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We are pleased to announce that SixtyEight and RSS Press have teamed up with Casa Spizzirò, an agriturismo in northern Italy, to offer artists, writers and academic researchers residency and work retreat opportunities the autumn and spring.

Read more about what Casa Spizzirò offers and how to apply here.

Within and Beyond - Embodied Planetary Cycles

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Read more about our current research project Within and Beyond - Embodied Planetary Cycles, including the first workshop weekend of the island of Ven and the exhibition Celestial Ripples - Corporeal Rhythms in the online journal future/tense